Monday, 22 February 2010

Our storyboard (drawn by Anastasia) Dipicting our horror film plot (as much of a plot as can be done in 2 minutes)

My most noticable contriubution, the log in Ashtin park around which the film revolves. It is a good horror prop not only because of its size but also its hollow interior. Dead trees are often a staple of horror flicks as they are dead and withered and a symbol of the end of things.

Our youngest, as of yet only actor. Children are very features in modern as horror as victims and antagonists, usualy in that order as with films like The Ring and The Grudge. The addition of the red balloon not only gives her a sense of innocence (at this point) but also something distict and identifiable. Given more traditional clothing than she would have prefered like her shoes and socks we tried to present her a innocent child in the goings on.

The cake i made to lend authenticity to the birthday party, the colour scheme was to make it seem more girly as well as the ribbony fray.Although i was told it was quite a dry cake there seemed to be no problem with it being consumed at all.

Lacking a knife big enough to cut the cake i came up with the idea of eviscerating it with the lid of the cake tin which did, as Aiden remarked, made it look like a basketball.

Aiden plays a very very convincing peadophile/murderer. Wearing his hoody and my German military coat he looked the part indeed.

The Balloon being an important part of our work we
tried to get it in many shots as we could. None of us had a balloon and were concerned by this until we saw Aiden cresting the hill on his bike with a single red balloon on his handlebars, he however thought it was orange. Filming it was difficult and i almost fell off the log when trying to catch it fly into the sky. (will try and add video of this.)
These are some still of the Pursuit scene when Anastasia ran after the girl with the camera trying to get a POV handheld thing going on to build tension.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Art Of The Title Homework

As i already said i am doing the opening titles for Easy Rider and The newer Pulp Fiction Titles.

First is Easy Rider-
One of the most memorable of all time and has been used by dozens of other films. The two main characters, Wyatt (Captain America) and Billy, ride throught the American countryside helmetless with the wind in their hair. It is one of the most famous biker films of all time and as such both charaters ride Harley Davidson '60s shovelhead choppers. The song, Born to be Wild by Steppenwolf, is a song about being free and that goes with the feeling of the opening well as neither of these two seem to have attatchments to another person in the whole opening even though they travel across many miles. There are a lot of tracking shots of Wyatt or Billy and the two of them together this almost creates the effect of riding a bike along next to them on this great but objectiveless adventure. There are just as many long/master shots as well covering them against the setting sun or them in the middle of the freeway all alone. This builds up the whole freedom and traveling theme of the whole movie. The whole effect of the shot showing their isolation and their nomadic nature, just from watching the opening it is apparent exactly the kind of film it is.

Pulp Fiction (Newer Credits)-
This one starts with one of the more memorable scenes from the film, the diner robbery, but soon jumps almost jarringly into the credits. The titles using the iconic song Miserlou by Dick Dale and his Del Tones. The alomst mariachi sound of the note gives it a faster pace and a sense of great excitement. Pulp Fiction is known as one of the more bloody pieces of cinema and this is brought to focus by the splatter effect behind the pistol, the background also moves to the beat of the music as well as the blood when it is shed. The use of the pistol behind the credits leaves no doubt as to what kind of film it is as a action-crime-thriller (however the pistol used, Glock 18, is never in the film) and adds another level of drama.

Only had to do one take of the contiuity it was apparently so good, im quite proud of my idea to place a camera high up in the corner of the room to simulate the survellance of the interrogation room at the police station. (will upload script soon). On the plus siude we not only learned the 180 degree rule (in practice) as well as alot about editing and how to do so on the mac and how much we will try to avoid mac editing software.

The horror film is progessing well. We have the story board (will upload shortly), the plot, the actors, the location and quite a few good ideas for the titles.

The work on the two analysed titles is almost done (Easy Rider and Pulp fiction (the new opening title by Federico Dayan)

Thursday, 4 February 2010

In the final stages of our continuity excerise. Been practicing the fake-slap with Chealsea for a while.
My part will be a homage to Christopher Walkens cop performance in Ripper (hence the name of the blog). The only thing i feel i am without is his trademark cigar.

On the horror film front, we are still without a title but the plot progresses well. We have recruited willing actors to play the little girl (a friend of Anastasia's) and i have roped George Kilby to be strung to a tree, murdered, by the horrible entity. We are still without soundtrack but we have made progress with the titles having them follow the girl as she leaves her party (arranged in sweets) to her walking to the log (uncovered by leaves)

The plot is about a young girl who gets lost and dies in the hollowed log in Ashton Court, when a few years later a group of teenagers go camping and begin to end up dead (George Kilby). This is a very tried and tested horror plot as children are scary in these films.

Monday, 1 February 2010

Was totally ready to do the continuity excerise, i practised my Walken and eveything. Instead finallised the plot to our film, as well as working on George Kilbys execution by the spirit of the little girl.