Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Art Of The Title Homework

As i already said i am doing the opening titles for Easy Rider and The newer Pulp Fiction Titles.

First is Easy Rider-
One of the most memorable of all time and has been used by dozens of other films. The two main characters, Wyatt (Captain America) and Billy, ride throught the American countryside helmetless with the wind in their hair. It is one of the most famous biker films of all time and as such both charaters ride Harley Davidson '60s shovelhead choppers. The song, Born to be Wild by Steppenwolf, is a song about being free and that goes with the feeling of the opening well as neither of these two seem to have attatchments to another person in the whole opening even though they travel across many miles. There are a lot of tracking shots of Wyatt or Billy and the two of them together this almost creates the effect of riding a bike along next to them on this great but objectiveless adventure. There are just as many long/master shots as well covering them against the setting sun or them in the middle of the freeway all alone. This builds up the whole freedom and traveling theme of the whole movie. The whole effect of the shot showing their isolation and their nomadic nature, just from watching the opening it is apparent exactly the kind of film it is.

Pulp Fiction (Newer Credits)-
This one starts with one of the more memorable scenes from the film, the diner robbery, but soon jumps almost jarringly into the credits. The titles using the iconic song Miserlou by Dick Dale and his Del Tones. The alomst mariachi sound of the note gives it a faster pace and a sense of great excitement. Pulp Fiction is known as one of the more bloody pieces of cinema and this is brought to focus by the splatter effect behind the pistol, the background also moves to the beat of the music as well as the blood when it is shed. The use of the pistol behind the credits leaves no doubt as to what kind of film it is as a action-crime-thriller (however the pistol used, Glock 18, is never in the film) and adds another level of drama.

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